Returns and Refund Policy

Order cancellation

If you wish to cancel your order before it has been despatched, please notify us by email at [email protected] . In some cases, products may have been despatched before you have been notified but we will always make our best efforts to meet your request.


If you are at all unhappy with your Buxumbox product, or if the item is faulty when you receive it, please contact us immediately at [email protected]

If any items appear to have been damaged in transit then please retain and take photographs of packaging in case a claim against the shipping courier is required.

You have the right to return the product, excluding Custom Order Boxes, in unused condition up to 14 days after the purchase. You are liable for the shipping costs of returning the item.

For us to process any returns and subsequent refunds please ensure your item reaches us within 14 days of contacting us. We cannot accept responsibility for items lost in transit so we advise using a recorded method and may request proof of delivery. Refunds may take up to 14 days after receipt of return to process.

Boxes that are returned to us remain the customer’s responsibility and a refund will not be given until we have safely received the package undamaged.

Once we have received the item and inspected it to ensure it is in as new condition, we will provide a full refund. Should the returned item not be in as new saleable condition, we will contact you immediately. Buxum (UK) Ltd retains the right to inspect any returns and deduct monies for wear and tear or damage, including where the item has been either checked or used.

The rights to return the goods to us as referred to above will not apply in the following circumstances:

  • Where the product has been used.
  • The packaging of the product has been damaged.
  • The product is damaged in any way.
  • The product is not in full resalable condition.

Custom Order Boxes

We cannot offer refunds or exchanges, unless faulty or not as described for Custom Order Boxes that have been specially designed and/or made for you. We can only accept cancellations for these orders within 48 hours of the order being placed. We will make this clear when you place your order. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Your rights to return goods are protected under the EU Distance Selling Directive which can be found at
If you have any questions about returning goods, please contact us at [email protected]

I’ve used many other boxes but this surpasses them by far. They thought of everything and top of the list is style and function. You couldn’t want more. – Xterra World Champs Competitor
Mike Watson

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